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CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO THE EPISODE The Importance of Connecting With Other Artists, Ft. Studio Elite Members As an artist, you have one of the most creative, fulfilling, passion-driven, and (yes) lonely careers.  Being an artist is amazing work. Work we wouldn’t trade for the world. But admittedly, it can get lonely at times, […]

Episode 73: The Importance of Connecting With Other Artists, Ft. Studio Elite Members

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CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO THE EPISODE The Shocking Impact of Art and Mental Health Numerous studies have shown the impact and benefits of art — whether we’re simply viewing it or creating it. As an artist yourself, you likely know the profound impact that artist expression has on your mental health.  The connection between […]

Episode 72: The Shocking Impact of Art and Mental Health

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CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO THE EPISODE Is Your Art Ready to Sell?  The truth is, selling our art is no easy feat.  To some, selling their art is a terrifying idea because they see their work as their “darlings” and deepest secret keepers. They want to hold on tightly to those pieces of themselves. […]

Episode 71: Is Your Art Ready to Sell?

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CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO THE EPISODE How Artists Can Get Noticed In The Media with PR Expert Nina Sadauskas Have you ever wondered how artists promote themselves? Yes, there are plenty of folks who self-submit to galleries, but what about other features — like podcasts, articles and local events?  It’s the power of public […]

Episode 70: How Artists Can Get Noticed In The Media with PR Expert Nina Sadauskas

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CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO THE EPISODE How Copywriting Can Increase Art Sales With Latasha Doyle Exciting news y’all! I’m back, and I’ve brought another teammate to join me for the Honest Art Podcast, Latasha Doyle, who runs all of my content and copywriting.  Dreading another conversation about marketing? Don’t be!  What we talk about […]

Episode 68: How Copywriting Can Increase Art Sales With Latasha Doyle

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CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO THE EPISODE How Artists Can Reignite Their Creativity and Find Their Spark Again Are you bored with your art? Feeling uninspired and uninterested? Maybe you find yourself comparing your work to others, and your self-confidence is starting to take a nose dive as a result.  Or maybe all of it […]

Episode 63: How Artists Can Reignite Their Creativity and Find Their Spark Again

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CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO THE EPISODE Elevate Your Representational Art With These Tips I know I’m known for my abstract art, but this episode goes out to all the representational artists out there.  Did you know I actually started with representational art? Yep! My first painting was a vase of flowers, and I still […]

Episode 62: Elevate Your Representational Art With These Tips

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CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO THE EPISODE How to Host a Group Art Exhibition with Stephanie Moore, Ana Stapleton, and Jodie King Quick!! Go get yourself a notepad and a pen. You’ll want to jot down some notes from this week’s episode of the Honest Art Podcast!  I’m joined by Ana Stapleton and Stephanie Moore, […]

Episode 61: How to Host a Group Art Exhibition with Stephanie Moore, Ana Stapleton, and Jodie King

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CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO THE EPISODE How to Become Your Future Self  For years, I held on tightly to a vision of who I wanted my future self to be.  That vision, of course, included a successful career as an artist. My life would be filled with regular income, ongoing conversations with collectors, my […]

Episode 60: How to Become Your Future Self 

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CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO THE EPISODE Do You Fear Failing With Your Art? Or Do You Fear Success? I always have the most enlightening conversations with the folks inside my Studio Elite program. We usually talk about the hard-hitting stuff, and get to the nitty-gritty. We don’t skirt over the personal either. We cover […]

Episode 57: Do You Fear Failing With Your Art? Or Do You Fear Success?