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CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO THE EPISODE Anne Neilson Proving There Are No Limits for Artists “Coming into your own.” It’s something we have to do as kids (gosh, remember being a teenager?? No thanks). It’s something we have to do as adults. It’s absolutely something we have to do as artists.  No one picks […]

Episode 37: Anne Neilson Proving There Are No Limits for Artists

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CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO THE EPISODE Full disclosure, this post contains affiliate links. That means I may make a small commission if you sign up through my link. However, this is at no extra cost to you and you get a sweet deal!  I have a little confession to make: I’m not the most […]

Episode 32: Artwork Archive: The Business Tool I Can’t Live Without

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CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO THE EPISODE As artists, it’s very easy for us to get attached to our work. I mean, how can we not? We pour countless hours, money from supplies, our creative energy, and most importantly, our hearts and souls, into what we make.  But when I sat down with this week’s […]

Episode 25: The Imperative of Freedom and Flexibility with Keren Toledano

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CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO THE EPISODE For most artists, we don’t always start out in the art world. We either fell in love with it as a hobby, or it came completely out of left field and took us by surprise.  If you’ve listened to the show before, you know that for most of […]

Episode 22: Making the Leap to Full Time Artist with Meribeth Privett

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CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO THE EPISODE I know I always say I’m excited for every guest episode of the Honest Art Podcast, but seriously, I am SO SO SO excited for this guest. She doesn’t paint abstract art. She doesn’t paint at all actually. She’s a writer — an artist in her own right.  Plus […]

Episode 21: Midlife Battle Cry with Dawn Barton